The presidential train traveled around 2,400 people over the weekend to Lučenec


This project was created on the occasion of the centenary of the founding of the Czechoslovak Republic. It is a kit whose individual carts were manufactured for the needs of former Czechoslovak presidents.

A unique opportunity to see the historic presidential train at Zvolen station, where Czechoslovak presidents Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk, Ludvík Svoboda, Gustáv Husák and Alexander Dubcek, the former disciple of the throne, Franz Ferdinand d & # 39; Este, this weekend around 2400 people.

The train will arrive in Lučenec on Monday (July 9th), then in Žilina and finish its trip on the Slovak territory on July 12th and 13th in Košice

This project was created on the occasion of the centenary of the foundation of the Czechoslovak Republic. "It is made up of historic steam locomotives from the Slovak Republic and Czech Republic and car lounges used by presidents in the past," said Michal Tunega, director of the Railway Museum of the Slovak Republic.

A ride in which Dubcek slept during the 68th

According to the director of the National Technical Museum of Prague, Karel Ksandr is interested in the interior architecture that he carries in the style of Brussels, but also in the spirit of Viennese secession or the first Novobarok revolution.

As one of the interesting cars, the 1968 show, produced for Freedom,

was used by Alexander Dubček at the end of July. and in August 1968, when he went to Čierna nad Tisou, where a shameful meeting of the Czechoslovak delegation took place with a delegation from the Soviet Union.

The project is organized by the Prague National Technical Museum in cooperation with the Czech Railways, the Slovak Railways and the civic association Spolok Výhrevne Vrútky

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