The priest in court: What is the thief Pavol mislead?


Finally, he was satisfied. Actor and performer, Milan Kňažko (72 years old) did not know how to steal the robber Pavel Novotny (52), which he killed in his own home, for only three years.

The Supreme Court, at its instigation, as well as the activity of the Justice Examiner Lucie Zitnanska (54 years), found that the sentence was the first and ordered the District Court of treat the case again. The priest is furthermore convinced that his house was not accidentally picked up by Novotny

The Novotny court was sentenced a year ago to three years ago. Then the priest left the door. "For p ** e. What does it allow?" He told the court and asked to remove the judge from the talar. Ultimately, Lucius Zitnansky persuaded her to appeal to the Supreme Court. Novotný was given three years, which he considered as a slight unjustified punishment. The court condemned the verdict that Novotny's confession of guilt was a mitigating circumstance.

The priest objected to that he had no choice, as the thief seized him and with a legally held weapon. "If it's enacted, it's not a mitigating circumstance." It's hard to believe that he acts sincerely as a repeat offender. "Novotny did not recognize who he was. had sent .It is hard to believe that he came to my house at random, " told K leažko court. The actor is convinced that Novotny has sent 12 times to Novotny. Although he has not changed anyone, he said that he was particularly irritating to government politicians. The priest thinks the customer of the robbery was someone who has influence over the police, the prosecution and the courts. "It is excluded that it was a coincidence.He went through many houses that he could fly.I am not foolish to name any one. " It took that it was someone who influenced these institutions that I named, "said Kňažko.

The Supreme Court said Tuesday that Novotný had not brought his accomplice and that the Confession did not automatically mean a mitigating circumstance and the case was therefore remitted to the District Court Žitňanská says in its appeal that the minimum rate for theft in this case should not be three years, but from 5 years and 4 months to 10 years, the fact that Novotny took a right in the house, that is to say a place of special protection Novotny is serving the sentence in the worst prison of Hrnčiarovce nad Parnou. The verdict did not come to hear.After abolishing the sentence, he will turn to a detention center in Bratislava .

How the case has developed

The chronology of court decisions, which challenged Kňažko and did not ask him to do it. Administration of Justice Luciana Zitnanska

11. January 2017 – Novotný entered the house with the help of a screwdriver and stole something worth around 10,000 €. The actor touched him and shot him in the foot

14. May – The Prosecutor of Novotný brought an action for theft, violation of freedom of residence and interference in foreign affairs

16. June 2017 – The Novotny District Court is sentenced for three years. Expolitik thinks it's a small punishment, which the ministry has supported.

2. February 2018 – After the Poet wrote an exasperated letter to the Attorney General's Office and the Ministry of Justice, Lucia Zitnanska appealed

10. July 2018 – The Supreme Court ruled that the three-year sentence was the first and the case remitted to the district court to re-determine the amount of the sentence

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