The Privacy Act inspires cyber criminals, beware of fraudulent news


BRATISLAVA, July 18 (WebNovinysk) – The emails that organizations sent to users when the GDPR came into effect inspired cybercriminals. As reported in the quarterly report of ALEF, counterfeit emails allow attackers to obtain login information for different accounts

Jan Kopriva, head of the team at the same time. CSIRT's cyber security incident, adds that the best security measure is a well-trained user. "" Ransomvér is still prevalent

ALEF has confirmed recent findings of Kaspersky Lab that the attackers have turned away from ransom and focus on co-administrators, cryptomimetic programs. " Ransomver can bring a high profit at a time, but it's a unique income with almost 100% confidence in the police.The coin mechanism will not notice the victim or discard it after detection, but it does not will not report.For cybercriminals, it is a low-risk model, but relatively profitable, "Kopøiva has approached the change in the popularity of different malware

Ransomver, a program that encrypts content on disk, and wants to pay a ransom, but it is still prevalent and the attacker is bearing fruit. " In a poll of 1,800 global companies, up to 34% of them admitted to being willing to pay ransom instead of trying to save data or to get rid of money. invest in additional security, "said Kopřiva.

The main purpose of the flight is Europe and Russia

According to ALEF, it is more likely that it steals connection data for social networks. These cases represent more than half of the cases, with Europe and Russia being the main target, and the stolen data is sold not only on the black web but also on the internet. For example, the price for Facebook is about $ 9 per item

The devices of the Internet of Things (IoT) are still not completely safe. An example is the Tapplock One lock, which can be opened by fingerprint or application. Since the launch, several vulnerabilities have emerged that have allowed the lock to open virtually to anyone. The Innsbruck cable car again had a control panel available on the internet. For example, a potential attacker could set the speed of the ropeway, the distance from each cabin or the tension of the rope. "Fortunately, nobody could exploit it," added ALEF

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