The problems of hockey clubs can be easily solved, says the president of the association of Slovak players


yesterday at 21:55

The problems of Slovak hockey are closely linked to the local league. In the last two seasons, three clubs have experienced financial difficulties. Now, it is near MsHK Žilina.

READ MORE: MsHK Žilina requests a license by the deadline, other actions continue to be questioned >>

In the summer of 2016, they lose their license to Piešťany, then Skalica resigns in 2016 / 17 and does not run the club last summer due to imbalance

But all these cases should not fall. In the interview for Š President of the Association of Slovak Ice Hockey Players (SIHPA) JUDr. Oliver Pravda said that it is time to establish the rules.

How the SIHPA works

"We act as a union of players that has its structure with an executive committee. The players are represented before the SZHH Disciplinary Council. If anybody has unpaid wages, we will ask him for contracts that we analyze. We will tell everyone who has the claim and what is at stake. "

" We will then advise them how to proceed. We also communicate with clubs because many do not know what rights they have in the situations they encounter. Then we help them produce documents or challenges for the clubs. If they arrive at the stage that they want to pursue, we will also help them to cross that lawyer's office. "

  SIHPA President Oliver Pravda (left)

SIHPA President Oliver Pravda (left)

Source: SHIPA

Why do clubs have problems playing money with clubs each year?

"Everything is a matter of easy rules to put in place.Then, there will be more backlog in the form of tens of thousands of euros at the end of the season. Contracts can be easily put in. Many things can be solved – it only depends on the correct decisions of competent people, be it Pro-hockey or SZHH, but there's nothing like Pro-Hockey. is a private corporation with clubs, and in some cases, if necessary, these shareholders should vote for themselves, which makes no sense. "

What do you think is the best solution to this situation?

"I am inclined to In one of the interviews, Mr. Šatan said that the pro-hockey should pass under the authority of the Slovak Ice Hockey Association ( SZHH) It would be essentially an independent body that could balance the interests of the clubs and the players. "


Do you know how to overcome a particular proposal

" Yes. For example, if a club with a player accepts a certain reward, the entire reward must go to the player's account.This should check Pro-Hockey at the end of the season.Then, depending on whether the player has won as much as money that provided in the contract, the Pro-Hockey recommends or does not recommend granting the license.If a player violates the contract, the club must apply for the payment of the fine.But he would not be able to to get him out of his salary automatically. "

Do not forget: The management of Košíc punished the players and the execution team by fines >>

How does it go now? Right now, it works in the other way – when the club chooses the player to not pay the money, he only tells them that they are fined, for example, out of 50 % of the reward, on an unsatisfactory performance. This penalty club is counted against the player's reward, and the club will forfeit the rewards. Last season, for example, HC Košice fined his players for unsatisfactory performances when they were second. We met both the club and the players, and luckily that situation was resolved. It would also help if players made a Pro-Hockey report every month, or if they had paid in a timely manner for the Pro-Hockey team to be better off for the distribution of the season's profits. . "

Did Richard Lintner Take It?" Yes, we met him during the Ice Hockey Crisis of last year, where he was also a representative of Martinsky players Branislav Rapac. We have proposed a solution that will not be repeated in the future. Specifically, the clubs have created a joint bailout from the money that they receive from Pro-Hockey. Each year, this represents up to 100 thousand euros for each club. With this money, Pro-Hockey can be managed to pay the player instead of the club. Of course, we have taken other solutions and come to the conclusion that the solution exists.

READ AJ: Shock in Martine, MHC at Tipsport Lige finished >>

  Hockey players at CMH Martin during a conference call.

MHC Martin hockey players during a conference call.

Source: TASR

Why do not clubs like this?

"We can only think, I think Pro-Hockey has preferred other things, and this time it has not stayed, and partly because it's not going to happen. There was not enough pressure from the public, the hockey movement and Pro-Hockey media to create such a solution that will help the player – and now comes the same time as it was a year ago. After completing the licensing process, the SIHPA will again initiate the creation of such a mechanism, and I believe that it will move this year. "

" Yes, but especially a systematic solution to this problem, because slowly every season, we must solve the fact that some clubs ends and does not pay the players.The licensing under Pro-Hockey is benevolent to the clubs. with the licenses is that when we report the Pro-Hockey player's claims, he asks the club to recognize the claim s specificity of the player. If the club did not recognize it, the Pro-Hockey considered that such a claim was disputed, recommended to grant a club license and recommended that the player, in case of dispute, be sued. "

" We contacted the Zilina players exceeding EUR 60,000. The list of these debts has been sent to Pro-Hockey. The latest information suggests that Pro-Hockey has delayed the granting of a license to a club, we assume that Zilina, along with Pro-Hockey, will ask Zilina to pay the remaining unpaid prices up to the end of their contracts. In this regard, Zilina must present Pro-hockey by 19.7.


How are the other clubs?

"Unfortunately, we also find debts in other clubs, and it seems like there was no professional hockey in this fundamental way. there is no authority over pro-hockey that can quickly resolve disputes between the player and the club, so players have to go to court, which is too long. "


"Yes, they have nothing that could solve similar financial problems, but there was – a hockey arbitration tribunal, he was born at a convention where Mr. Nemeček However, SZLH never put it into service. "

  MsHK Žilina's players are unlikely to enter the new season.

MsHK Žilina's players are unlikely to enter the new season.

Source: TASR


"The official reason is that for the union this body would be expensive and would cost more.For reason, they also said that they do not have spaces that can be smiled. That's why he canceled the congress a year later.And it's exactly the court that would solve these problems in a few days.Now, everything has to be settled by civil courts, which are established for at least one year and there is no efficiency at all.Outside is a complete standard that national federations have arbitration courts.This is particularly the case with the football clubs.

The Slovak Olympic Committee (SOV) does not have the ambition to create something like this

"SOV wants to become the roof organization of Slovak sport and is currently they are also governed by the statutes in this regard. One of the things that could help become a SOV leader in Slovak sports is the creation of such a court. I know that this debate has already taken place in the country of SOV.


At the end of May, SZĽH representatives met the Minister of Education Martina Lubyová . Martin Kohút and General Director of Representations Miroslav Šatan

At the meeting, both parties agreed to support the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sports According to Olivera Pravda the public ruled out that the press conference also addressed how the conditions and duties of clubs would be dealt with in the text of the Sports Act [19659010]. According to them, the clubs will have to start paying for their players from the new year.

"The minister then very well summed up the fact that this law was adopted in order to bring Slovak legislation into line with European standards, because all over Europe athletes have been considered as employees for years. decades, "said the president of SIHPA

. In this way, so few of them will tighten financially. Oliver Pravda, however, confirmed that they were all aware of the news for three years, but that is not enough.

"We are alerting you since our inception in 2016. This law has been in force since 1.1.2016 and has since been registered players as employees." at the end of the year that they did not have to pay the fees Since 1.1.2019, the clubs have to pay their players as well as all the other employers in Slovakia according to Luby. clubs have had plenty of time to prepare for it. "

This will increase the club's cost by 40 percent.

"At the last minute, however, some of the tools that helped the clubs do everything, and that had enough money to pay the tax, were dropped. The state should now consider helping clubs.


Lawyer and former hockey player. Specialization in International Law of Sport acquired during a study at ISDE in Madrid and University of Cambridge . He worked for the largest Slovak law firm, where he notably represented Slovak football players and participated in the preparation of the law on sport and commented on the law on sport .

He also worked at a prestigious international law firm, which was the leader in international sports law in Asia. After returning to Slovakia, he was President of the SZLH Legislative Committee and is currently a member of the Slovak Olympic Committee's Legislative and Legal Committee . , t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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