The project, in which Slovaks also cooperate, wants to help understand climate change


Young researchers and their partner organizations have investigated whether fossils 500 million years old could help understand and better explain the current state of the environment. The Slovak Academy of Sciences is part of the project for Slovakia.

"Fossils can tell us the temperature of the ocean, its acidity, where currents come from, or the depth of the ocean where life was," says Marco Romain, a member of the team that carried out his research at the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw. In addition, it has 14 young researchers, experienced scientists and partner organizations from eight European countries. Young people also have the opportunity to study in advanced European research centers

That is why decoding of history is the most important contribution of the project.

At the present time, for example, scientists now know that during the largest mass extinction 251 million years ago, the ocean did not contain oxygen and even large parts of the ocean were acidified. "We are planning similar scenarios in the future," warns Professor Anton Eisenhauer of the German GEOMAR Center, who is coordinating the project

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