The prosecutor is free to report the murder of Jana Kuciak


Jaromír Čižnár stated that the Prosecutor of the Special Prosecutor's Office can report on the murder of journalist Ján Kuciak and his fiancé.

The Attorney General of the Attorney's Office (UPS) has full discretion to report on the investigation into the murder of journalist Jana Kuciak and her partner. That's what the Attorney General Jaromír Čižnár did at a press conference in Bratislava on Monday

"I have no reason to look into the case, but the prosecutor has a free hand, he can do a briefing by communicating what he can, "said the Attorney General. According to him, the investigation is independent and smooth

As continued Čižnár, errors in the initial acts slowed the investigation. Why the errors occurred, not to say

"The watchdog also has no reason to say that there have been no errors", did he declare. There are errors that are eliminated in the work. "Until now, we are in such an area that we can get rid of the bugs, but it takes time, we could have gone a little further," he added.

Murder at the time. order

However, he did not want to talk to the supervising prosecutor of the U.P. "

The journalist John Kuciak and his fiancée Martina Kušnírová were murdered on February 21, 2018 by a pistol caliber firing 9 mm. The Prosecutor of the Special Prosecutor's Office (UPS) of the Department of General Crime informed

that the circumstances of the case, according to the prosecutor, suggest that it was an accident. murder order. At the crime scene in Velka Maća, there were two shells and unreinforced cartridges. The investigators found no trace of the match and most likely nothing was stolen.

Assassination of Ján Kuciak

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