The Public Health Office examines blood samples and detects the immunity of the population


As part of the 2018 Immunological Survey (IP), the RS Public Health Service (PI) examines blood samples collected by randomly selected Slovaks.

November 27, 2018 at 12:45 pm TASR

BANSKÁ BYSTRICA. As part of the 2018 Immunological Survey (IP), the RS Public Health Service (PI) examines blood samples collected by randomly selected Slovaks. The objective of the Institute of Animal Health is to determine the level of antibodies against certain communicable diseases in the Slovak population. TASR informed the chief hygienist SR Ján Mikas.

Experts from the laboratories of the National Reference Center for Morbid, Mumps and Rubella of the National Veterinary Institute and the Specialized Bureau of Viral Hepatitis of the Regional Public Health Authority (RVZ) of Banská Bystrica are currently studying antibody levels against measles, mumps, rubella and viral hepatitis A, B and C.

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As part of IP 2018, the 36 regional public health authorities drew blood from GPs for children and adolescents and GPs for adults from July 1 to October 12. The total number of sera will be 4218 children and adults aged 1 to 69 years.

Once the antibody test is complete, the results will be summarized, evaluated and statistically processed in December. The first results of IP 2018 should be known at the end of the year.

Physicians who have collected blood according to IP 2018 will inform each participant or their legal guardian of the results of a serological examination and, in case of unexpected illness or discovery, will provide and recommend the necessary health care. or the possibility of getting vaccinated.

The results of serological examinations on blood samples will make it possible to reassess, modify or modify the vaccination strategy in Slovakia.

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