The Public Procurement Office intensifies the fight against corruption by trying to prevent fraud


BRATISLAVA, July 28 ( – The Public Procurement Office (UO) claims to work systematically to improve the fight against corruption in publicly-financed contracts

As stated in the press release (19659004)


The office of the Chamber of Deputies of the Czech Republic, Mr. Jana Zvončeková, has expressed on one of his priorities after the vice-presidency I have placed it in a new framework of measures that systematically and collectively covers the fight against unfair practices in public procurement. This new framework of measures was established in the spring by signing a new systemic cooperation with the Office of the Attorney General (GP), the Supreme Bureau of Control (SAO) and the Antimonopoly Office (PMU) "Hlivar quotes. In the context of the above mentioned new cooperation with the PM, OAS and PMU, the Bureau has already taken a number of steps. " In recent months, the Office has turned to the Office of the Attorney General in a few cases.An example is the assignment of the case of the city of Holice, where the Office , by its own investigation, showed a conflict of interest in public procurement, for which the city also imposed a fine.Another example concerns seven municipalities of Central Slovakia, where the Office inflicted Fines for violation of the Public Procurement Act when awarding public works contracts – Modernization of street lighting As the Bureau suspected unfair practices in the contracts in question, it lodged a complaint Attorney General's office in April, filing the case with the OAS and PMU, the public prosecutor informed the Office that he had seized the National Criminal Investigation Agency "Hlivák said in a statement. press. 39, case, Friday, July 27, wrote the daily newspaper SMEs, in the article NAKA examining the municipalities of Bystrici for machinations with euro-funds, published on c / 20880011 / naka-preveruje-obce-pri-bystrici-za-

Cooperation with International Organizations

At the same time, the IVO recalls that with the advent of the new Office management, the new concept of checklists in the system of internal evaluation has also been put in place. subsequent detection of possible influences indicative of fraudulent conduct or possible conflict of interest . "The Bureau regularly adds in its press release that its anti-corruption measures were presented in a forum entitled "From Strategy to Action: Integrity and Risk Management" associated with fraud in the drawing of EU funds in Slovakia This seminar was organized by the office of the Slovak Deputy Prime Minister for investment and computerization, in cooperation with the OECD, on July 26 in Bratislava.As Miroslav Hlivák added, " the Office under my leadership will continue to clarify measures to prevent fraud and unfair practices in public procurement. And we will continue to share our knowledge and experience with other public bodies, but also with international organizations such as the OECD and OLAF with whom we have relaunched

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