The publicist Andrej Bán has written a history book of current Slovakia


Photographer and reporter Andrej Bán, photo archive Photo: TASR / Michal Svítok

Bratislava 22 July (TASR) – The new book by journalist Andrej Bán is his testimony on contemporary Slovakia. The name of the elephant on Zemplín can act as a prodigy or a fairy tale or a fiction. At the presentation of the book in Bratislava, the author confirmed that all are true stories of cities, towns and regions

"This is the first Slovak reporting book in our edition. Ostrowski of the publishing house Absynt in which the book was published

The writer and photographer Andrej Bán told TASR that he has accumulated his own experience gained in 30 years on the roads in Slovakia They are not ad hoc visits for reporting, go back to many places repeatedly and systematically monitor their behavior and development.All stories are about specific people of particular parts, because people do stories, relations and local affairs.

Agricultural theme of the Eastern Slovak has long been looked at and included in the book also for its media news. The history of an agricultural Ulema, Juraj Bereš, who now has a disability of 80 percent, looks like mafia movies. According to him, he could not collect the harvest from his field, he received the battles, and his criminal notification on the reasonable suspicion of the foundation of the criminal group did not intentionally solve the police

"Béreš is convinced that the police and other institutions Agrobiznisa, former parliamentary deputy for the direction of Roubic Rošková and his right hand, the former police officer Patrick Schuch When he arrived in Michalovce, Fico welcomed him personally with the words "our lover "in this country since 2006, a special animal species enjoying privileges that others do not even feel," writes Bán, describing other conflict situations with the police, resolving complaints, subsidizing frauds and other flights, people "in the main positions of different institutions.

Chapter on Farmer and is one of twenty-three. The reader will also know where the similarity of the Bermuda Triangle and the almost extinct life of the Elephant, the Humane, poacher practices, the extinction of businesses, and other shortcomings. The author claims that the stories are humorous, morose, bizarre and tragic. For example, the death of Roma Karol Sendreio de Magnetizoviec, 51 years old.

"It is a case of brutality committed by those who would protect the citizens before him." Senderi was killed in June 2001 after long tortures at the Revúcej police station, " says Bán and points out several identified links.

Source:, zpravodajský portál tiskové agentury TASR

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