The quarrel over the Crimea has increased. Danko Bugárovcom made another success!


Another political shootout! The visit to Crimea by members of the Petr Marcek National Council, Martina Šimkovičová and other previously unknown MEPs and business groups, broke the debate. The coalition partners of SNS and Most-Hide also clashed. Smer-SD has expressed only the information that their deputies should be on their way.

Unmarried MEP Peter Marček plans to visit Crimea with his colleagues from the parliamentary lobby. Their names refuse to disclose "bonzol" only to Mrs. Martin Šimkovič. She did not answer our questions. Marcek told reporters that they want to know who is going with him, they must come to the airport on July 31. The MP also defends his visit to Ukraine by acting informally. He also recalls that Crimea joined Russia on the basis of a referendum.
The ambassador of the Slovak deputies criticized the Ukrainian ambassador to Slovakia Yuri Muska. He said that our deputies have violated Ukrainian law and could be banned from traveling to Ukraine in the future

  Peter Marček - Uncategorized

Peter Marček – Unborn

Photo: archive

Most-Hid Coalition agrees with this attitude. "They are not private, but represent the country, even in my spare time.According to international law, Crimea is a Ukrainian territory and this fact is recognized both by the EU and the EU. NATO as well as by the official foreign policy line of the RS. Slovakia has not accepted the Russian annexation of Crimea and considers the peninsula as part of Ukraine, and it would be It is fitting that the Slovak representatives behave "

Another point of view is the speaker of the parliament and the head of the nationalities Andrej Danko. "When MEPs, including Most-Hide deputies in 2013, led by MEP Štefanko in Kosovo, I think they can go freely and privately to the Crimea." Members of the Slovak Parliament , unlike 2013, do nothing to organize and pay, "said to his partner.At the same time, he reiterated that the Ukrainian ambassador did not The right to frighten Ukrainians in the territory of Slovakia According to the media, with Marcek, some members of the government-SD should travel but the head of the press service rejects "According to my information, this It is not an official visit and I have no information that they should be our deputies. " There is no opinion on the issue. attitude of its coalition partners


Different points of view as well as political analysts Jan Baránek e Grigorij Mesežnikov According to the Lamb, it is a useless circus and it is necessary to distinguish between emotions and reality. "Marcek declares a visit as a private trip.We have not explicitly defined what is a service activity and what is not." Baranek thinks that such disagreements will occur in the future. However, the Mesežnikov chose to have sharper words "This is an absolute scandal, the degradation of our largest neighbor, and this should not be without consequences," says . According to him, this is in contradiction with our official positions and the laws of the EU. At the same time, he adds that if someone wants to start a business in Crimea, he must be able to rely on the list of EU sanctions "and can look forward to doing business in d & # 39; 39, other member states. "

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