The quarter-finals of the World Cup will be led by referees from Europe and South America


The International Federation of Football (FIFA) won the quarterfinals at the World Championships in Russia for referees of Europe and South America, the remaining eight teams coming only from these confederations [19659002] A Friday duel in Nizhny Novgorod between Uruguay and France (4 pm CET) will be led by Argentine referee Nestor Pitana. This is his fourth appointment, including the MS opening match. The next match of Friday Brazil – Belgium in Kazan (20:00) will lead the Serbian Milorad Mazic, who decided in the final of the Champions League [Samedi 14 septembre] in Samare between Sweden and England (16:00), the Dutch Björn Kuipers. tournament. Brazilian Sandro Ricii will sing the match of the second Saturday in Sochi between Russia and Croatia (8:00 pm). He had already decided in the Duel group stage of Croatia with Nigeria.