The railways want to buy five rackets and a bus


KDH criticized the expected price of new trains

July 2018 at 20:13 SITA

BRATISLAVA. Železničná spoločnosť Slovensko, a. s. (ZSSK) wants to purchase five cogeneration units and a multifunctional gearbox for the Cog Railway and the Tatra Electric Railways (TEZ).

He is supposed to pay them for three years 39.5 mil. Value added tax EUR (EUR 47,4 million including VAT) from own resources. (19659002) The supply of spare parts, diagnostic equipment, rolling stock and technical documentation as well as the training of personnel are subject to the conditions of a permanent call for tenders for trains cogwheel at a speed of 80 kilometers per hour

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"Dumbbells" are obsolete

The current "diving equipment" according to the national passenger carrier is obsolete and insufficiently capacitive. The new trains will have a hybrid drive, so they will be able to ride on the Štrba – Štrbské Pleso rack and on the traditional Strbske pleso – Stary Smokovec – Poprad / Tatranska Lomnica

"The new vehicles will meet the requirements of transport on the trails of narrow-gauge mountain. ZSSK spokesman Tomáš Kováč said on Monday

adding that the operation with a higher capacity would ensure a minimum of thirty years

New trains will add eighteen trains to the High Tatras – three "gears" on the gear wheel train and fifteen trains to TEU – to a total of twenty pieces. The current "diving equipment" according to the ZSSK is 48 years old, in service since 1970.

"New trains will have to drive more often and if possible at a speed of 80 km / h. there should be 90 seats and 70 seats, which represents a minimum of 160 seats, "said Mr. Kovac.

Currently, they have a capacity of 124 seats.The wagon will have a storage area for eight bicycles, two strollers, at least 30 skis, ten snowboards, two sleds and two strollers in the winter

KDH criticism

KDH criticized the expected price of new trains on Monday and called on the Minister of Transport and the construction of 39 Arpad Érseek to cancel the competition and launch a new one with enough time to prepare a fair and transparent competition

"This price is high." Similar diesel groups with a capacity of 110 people. Siemens costs 2.9 million, Bombardier Talent "It is true that these trains do not have the toothed wheel needed for a toothbrush, but if the gear wheel has a price of several million dollars," said Pavol Zajac, vice president of "KDH, euro, it will probably be made of gold," said Zajac.

It is assumed that, according to technical criteria, the Swiss supplier will win the number of bidders is slightly lower than the estimated amount of 39.5 million euros excluding VAT

"The Ministry of Transport and Finance must ask if the ZSSK has approved financial coverage for such a purchase, "added Zajac.

Lack of capacity

The national carrier pointed out that high-speed rail services in the High Tatras have long suffered from a shortage of capacity and a wrecked fleet,

" is an operational risk and unacceptable traffic and a disproportionate solution, compared to 2014, there is up to 35% additional passengers on Tatra roads per year " said Mr. Kovac.

The ZSSK determined the estimated value of the contract on the basis of data provided by the rolling stock and market research manufacturers (sent by ten companies) in the rolling stock segment. "We evaluated several variants of the modernization of passenger transport at TEZ and OŽ, while the chosen variant was the most economically advantageous," added Kováč. ZSSK states that the terms and conditions of the competition are fair but will not be published until the end of the public contract

The deadline for the submission of tenders has expired on Monday 23 July at 10 am and must be valid until 30 October 2018. Note the call for tenders was published on June 11. Applicants must demonstrate that in the three years following the call for bids, new vehicles have been delivered for a total cost of at least 20 million. euros. Trains to be delivered to Ružňový poprad Poprad, the first two rack units and the journey up to 28 months

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