The report on the identification of the perpetrators of the attack on Scribes is speculation, the British admit


The Russian Embassy in London again calls on the British authorities to conduct a transparent investigation into an incident in the English city of Salisbury, where the former double agent of the Russian military cabinet Sergei Skripal was exposed to a toxic substance.

At the same time, the Embassy confirmed Moscow's willingness to cooperate with the investigation.

In response to reports that London police have identified suspects in the Crusader attack, the diplomat said that the Russian mission in London had read the contents of the press release. ;agency.

The Russian diplomat recalled that this alleged allegation by the Press Association investigators was based on an analysis of security camera recordings and a review of lists of persons who traveled or traveled to Britain for a specified period

At the same time, he pointed out that these "allegations" of the press association were classified by Ben Wallace, the deputy head of the British Ministry of the Interior, as "categorized by information unjust and clearly speculative "and described as wild speculation

ted diplomat he also commented on the London police statement on poisoning in Salisbury, published in the Daily Mail on July 17, when he said that Investigation was continuing, so the police will not comment on the different versions of what happened

At the same time, the diplomat noted that the members from the UK government and Scotland Yard would not have to comment on unverified reports if, in March of this year, when the crusaders were unhappy, they did not publish "Russia" and more likely to do so. wait for the conclusions of the investigation

The Sky News news agency said Thursday that the British authorities are convinced that several Russians are involved in the attempted murder of scribes, and are looking more than 39. only one suspect.

"The investigators are convinced that p security cameras identified the alleged perpetrators of the attack by the novices, and at the same time they checked the records of people who had come into the country at that time. there, "said the source close to the investigation. Investigators are "sure" that the suspects are Russian

At the end of June, Amesbury in England, near Salisbury, was poisoned by Dawn Sturgess and his partner, Charlie Rowley, from the same source as Scorpions. Sturgess, who has been in contact with the dose of this toxic substance ten times more than Scorpions, has meanwhile been spilled by poison

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