The road accident of the chain caused a 10-kilometer column on the Austrian motorway


Traffic accident at the chain, occurred Monday at the A4 highway in Bruck an der Leith, Austria, has caused several injuries.

Among the participants in the accident was also a Slovakian truck driver who first met a Romanian passenger vehicle and then a minibus registered in Romania who pushed the vehicle onto the sidecar and hit it. the truck

seriously injured in the hospitals of Baden and Eisenstadt, others were ousted with injuries easier

The APA news agency reported that by calling the door police station Heinz Holub and sources of the Red Cross

the closure of the road for two hours is not yet complete

In the section of the aforementioned road, columns of vehicles d & # 39; A maximum length of 10 km were created. (1969007)! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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