The SAX stock index was the subject of a regular semiannual review


The stock index of Slovnaft, VÚB banka, Tatry mountain resorts and Best Hotel Properties has increased since the revision

The Slovak stock index SAX has made the object of a regular revision of its base. The July 9 review aimed at assessing the development of commodity trade in the first half of 2018 and determining the basis for the next six-month period.

The number of titles of VUB Bank has increased by almost 5%

The number of titles in Slovnaft's basic issues after the revision is 677,498 pieces compared to the 581,086 original pieces. The number of securities issued by VÚB Bank increased from 298,503 units to 312,353 units, in Tatry mountain stations from 1,626,174 units to 1,730,301 units and from Best Hotel Properties' issuances from 13,619,207 units to 15,823 units. 149 units

There was no change in the number of titles in Biotics' broadcasts at 700,000 units, OTP Bank Slovakia in the amount of 11,503,166 and in the broadcasts of SES Tlmače at 1 565 345

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