The scarecrow of summer attacks: Few days and days of sunshine are turned into a fight for life!



Everyone thinks of holidays, warmth and ice by saying "summer". Do you know, however, that all of these things are also looking for a malignant disease that can spoil one of the most beautiful seasons ?!

Warm weather, which came earlier than usual, occurred in a higher incidence of salmonellosis outbreaks! In April and May, they were seventy-two with 270 people together. During the same period, they were thirty-one and suffered 169 people. The greatest number of diseases occurs each year in June, July and August, last year for the three months confirmed by salmonellosis physicians in 1545.

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Risks of disease

"In addition to heat, the cause of an increased number of diseases this year is that began a season of barbecues or various celebrations Martina Pántikova Valachová, doctor of the Regional Office for Public Health in Banská Bystrica

Particularly low risk of developing an unpleasant disease – salmonellosis of poultry and eggs But do not forget the sun's rays and do not let meals, food and drinks in the sun directly by the pool, on the terrace or in the car

" Salmonella Baktera is able to grow even at refrigerated temperature. During the summer, pay special attention to food hygiene and good technology, as well as to hygiene in cooking and food preparation, to the surfaces of clean work, work equipment and personal hygiene. Thoroughly clean the work areas in the kitchen, make sure that you handle the raw materials and meals correctly and that you are properly stored, "underlines the basic rules of prevention MUDr Iveta Trusková, PhD., Head of the Health and Health Promotion and Health Promotion Section of the Public Health Service of the Slovak Republic

Microorganisms grow and grow very rapidly in meat and animals

"Human organs can also cause serious health problems not only by hand but also by wipes and cooking utensils," notes Dr. Iveta Trusková

Unpleasant symptoms of salmonellosis temperature , nausea, vomiting, convulsive pain, green diarrhea with mixing of blood, appear 6 – 72 hours after eating contaminated food dangerous disease is the loss of fluid, children, elderly people and immunized people.

Attention to the sun

For the multiplication of many microorganisms, is the most appropriate temperature in the range of 15 degrees to 50 degrees Celsius

"For pathogenic microorganisms , is optimal 37 degrees Celzia "explains Ing Milada Syčová, Head of the Department of the National Reference Center and Laboratory of Food Materials, Regional Public Health Office of Poprad

He recalls that the temperature of the food storage is one of the decisive indicators

"In particular, when it is question of". Foods to be poured quickly, it is important to prevent the spread of microorganisms to a level that could lead to foodborne illness or prematurely disintegrate foods, even if they are durable they do not do not expose in the sun, do not heat up and do not eat as quickly as possible.If durable meat products such as sausages or sausages, the heat can melt and run out of fat if the meat can overheat can interfere with the quality and the content. "

expert it is advisable to pay attention to fruits and vegetables in heat.

"For example, species with high water content can overflow, soften, and overflow more quickly when they are overheated."

On the roads, nature and swimming trips advise not to forget microbial contamination possible food by insects or rodents

Salmonella destroys the temperature of 75 degrees Celsius for 10 minutes. The temperature must be the same in all parts of the prepared dish.

How can I avoid salmonellosis?

  • Use only drinking water
    • Use only drinking water
    • Protect food from insects and rodents
    • Treat thoroughly with heat and safe cooking procedures
    • Do not use food after the date of consumption
    • Keep food in food
    • Wash hands thoroughly before and during meals
    • Avoid contact between raw and cooked food [19659026] Do not freeze completely or partially defrost [19659026] Meat bought only in stores where it is stored in a refrigerator
    • Food and feed to be quickly poured in summer in refrigerated bags


    02.07.2018 | Photo: | Source: red

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