The signs of life can also be on Titan. Find places where we can look


Temperatures are deep below zero. But there are places where there might be liquid water

BRATISLAVA. The Titan month of Saturn has, in principle, all the prerequisites for life to come to it as we know it. The conditions on him are now similar to those that reigned on the prehistoric Earth.

See also: Submarine on Titan? A distant but exciting vision

At Titan, they also discovered organic molecules. When they were mixed with water in the laboratory, the necessary compounds were created.

Well, there is a hook. Titan is too cold to have liquid water on its surface

Recent discoveries by Canadian scientists show that there is still hope.

The article was published in the journal Astrobiology

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New research

The most appropriate places on the surface of Titan were looking for scientists using images and data from the Cassini probe that Saturn had traveled for thirteen years

See also: Titans can be the bricks of life

they saw a very active moon surface with lakes, mountain ranges, river valleys and some craters.

Which places would be best suited to find life

One of the old recommended designs would begin to look for elements of life in lakes methane and ethane, life could exist in other forms

In a new study, scientists have thought of others and much more attractive more places to create the foundations of life as we know it from the earth

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