The singer Demi Lovato was hospitalized, probably exaggerated


Due to a suspicion of heroin overdose, 25-year-old pop singer and songwriter Demi Lovato was transferred to a Los Angeles hospital.

Rescuers found her unconscious in her Hollywood home.

"Half is aware and in the circle of her relatives who would like to thank everyone for their love, their prayer and their support," she said in a statement for the singer of Variety magazine. The Lovato House at Hollywood Hills was convened Tuesday at 11:22 am local time (8:22 pm CET) The unconscious singer Naxolone rescued and then transferred to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles wrote a news on her website

Naxolone, sold to states Under the name of Narcan, is a drug used to mitigate the effects of opioids, especially an overdose (1965, 2009)! ) {if (f.fbq) return; n = f.fbq function () {n.callMethod?
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