The situation in Venezuela is at the absolute limit. Inflation will soon reach millions of percent


This extreme record predicts Monday the International Monetary Fund. There is nothing to ask. The Venezuelan government is pushing money at a fast pace. This is the only way to hide the growing hole in the budget. A sad view of the landscape, which in the past was a great power, and possessed enormous wealth. In the 1950s, Venezuela was twelve times richer than China.

The price of oil has dropped over the years and the country has counted as much as possible on the black gold for the most part. Wagering everything on a card never pays The whole situation resulted in the death of Hugo Chavez, who kept the country above water. His successor, Nicolás Maduro, is his true opposite, and he does not want the people

Poverty has brought to cities a number of gangs who are their dark leaders People fight in the street at night. The profitable business gangs are kidnappings. The most affected by dangerous gangs is the capital of Caracas. Money is so depreciated that it does not pay for it. Renaissance thus experienced an exchange of exchange.

The solution is unknown

The economic collapse of the country continues to erase. This situation causes a mass migration of the population towards the surrounding countries The government does nothing at all. President Nicolás Maduro blames his political opponents not only at home but also abroad. The authorities have even stopped publishing economic indicators.

The crisis in Venezuela is accustomed to a comparison with the German crisis of 1923, caused by the First World War. Germany has canceled the gold currency hedge in order to print new banknotes. In 1918, the amount outstanding was five times higher than in 1914.

The Zimbabwean people, who had fallen asleep in 2000 and are still alive, are also experiencing a similar crisis. Venezuela is a typical example of the fact that wealth can not be a guarantee of a stable functioning of the landscape for decades. Betting everything on a card is not paid in business or investment.


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