The Slovak metro has a new boss, comes from Ukraine | business


The largest Slovak Metro Cash & Carry account less than half of a new boss. Ukrainian leader Julia Pylypenko is heading to the position of CEO. Jan Žák, who has left to manage Dr. Jan Žák's pharmacy network, Max in Slovakia

The new director will be responsible for managing the stores, customer relations and business results of Metra in the Slovak market. The functions officially took place on July 9th.

J. Pylypenko started in the Ukrainian division Metro Cash & Carry Ukraine where she worked as a director of human resources since August 2011. After three years she joined the post of chief of operations, which she pursued until his arrival in the Slovak subway.

Julia Pylypenko – General Manager Metro Cash & Carry SR Source: Metro

Tuner Metro in the past fell under the Czech sister Macro Cash & Carry. He was paid until the autumn of 2016, when Čech J. Žák became historically the first CEO of the Czech market. However, he was still in command of the Metro's executive for the Czech Republic and Slovakia, who is Frenchman Guillaume Chene. This model does not change anything.

The Slovakian daughter of the German company Metra operates six wholesale outlets, Bratislava, Devínska Nová Ves, Ivanka Prii Dunaji, Košice, Žilina, Zvolen and Nitra. It also supports an alliance of small independent retailers My company, which brings together about five local retailers.

During the fiscal year up to September 2017, the Slovak metro has increased its turnover by 3.5% year on year to 442 million euros. Profit after tax decreased by almost half to 1.7 million euros. (1965008) function statusChangeCallback (param, call) {19659008] if (param.status === & # 39; connected & # 39;)
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