The Slovak National Theater has huge financial problems, the Minister of Culture is concerned


BRATISLAVA, July 31 ( – The Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic, ickubicka Laššáková, worries about the situation at the Slovak National Theater (SND) and expects that director of the theater Marián Chudovský immediately occupies

complicated financial situation mediated in the SND Monday, July 30 evening on their profile on Facebook. He has responded to articles published by several media. The information was brought for the first time on Saturday, July 28 by the magazine ONE DAY

" I'm worried about the situation at the Slovak National Theater, where the bad economic situation threatens employees the strike and the entire theatrical season is under threat, I expect the general director of the theater to interrupt the party and come back immediately to resolve this situation, which was clearly signed by the poor decisions of the theater management ", wrote Laššáková in his statute. that he is ready to take "a whole series of corrective measures and to take responsibility towards those who caused this situation". He adds that "theater employees deserve their money, the SND deserves a competent approach, and Slovakia deserves its important cultural institution fully prepared for new artistic performances."

DAY WITH THE SND is involved in enormous financial problems The situation is so serious that the beginning of the new season is at risk In addition, the directors of the theater did not pay any rewards for the performances, "writes the daily," Like Plus DAY ", the theater directed by Marián Chudovský, who joined the Minister of Culture Marek Maďarič, finished the first half in less than 700 thousand euros A similar loss has also been reported by the SND in the annual report for 2017. The income from individual performances and theater visits is increasing, and last year alone, SND's revenues have reached nearly four million euros, or 830,000 euros more than a year ago.

Problems are starting to be felt even for artists

The situation me Already the theater is in. Problems are starting to feel on their skin as well as artists and theater employees. Some of the technical components specific to the personnel were not paid by the managers in July. It is a monthly mobile salary component that reflects the number of shows that have been played and are associated with it. Technicians include masks, wardrobes, stage technicians, sound engineers, lighting engineers, engineers, and art set designers who work for all parts of the theater – such as theater, theater, and theater. Opera and ballet

700 euros, so they still have 80 euros to pay. Plus, it's money for a robot robot "said one of the employees of these SND components for Plus ONE DAY, who does not want to be named for his job . More information can be found in the review " ŠOK Škandál in the SND.The employees are running out of money, the season is under threat! " posted on July 28 at /

The SND to date " does not record any extensions to its employees, that is to say that all salaries, including the June payment, were paid without delay and any hindrance to employee accounts.At the same time, the management of the SND decided June 28 that it would not pay the remuneration of the leaders during the month of June.This means that the remuneration will not be paid to anyone "said Marián Chudovský, NDS Director General, for the information

According to the director general of the National Theater, this decision addresses the direction of the theater. 7/2018 was one of the strongest.It resulted in about two dozen firsts as part of the theater, opera and ballet, and nearly 700 performances. The fact that it was appreciated both by Slovak and foreign spectators shows, according to Chudovský, that the sale of SND banknotes reached a record amount of about three and a half million

" ] The problem is that the peak apogee Europe was the last season at one of the most expensive (invest in scenic expeditions or high-quality costumes, fees for best guest soloists, external collaborators, etc.). On the one hand, the expected quality compared to other European scenes, such as in Vienna or in the V4 countries (Prague, Warsaw, Budapest), on the other hand incomparable budgets, narrows quite distinctly our space … However, we do not want to give up quality performances. We have clearly shown that high quality is worth something, but it comes back to the public interest as well as to the tickets sold. We consider investing in quality, and therefore in the institution's longstanding reputation, for the best way to operate in the "For little money, a lot of music" mode. The bad news is that this path is a bit longer and involves many synergistic risks, such as pragmatic decisions about not paying performance bonuses. However, it must be said openly that it is a rare phenomenon in which we are always looking for ways and means to reward the people who deserve it and who want to cultivate in Slovakia in spite of extremely difficult conditions "opinion of Marián Chudovský"

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