The Slovak overcame the 2nd highest waterfall in the world. On the road, she sings and thinks about food


Although canyoning is one of the least known adrenaline sports, Slovakia is already the first to have it. Miroslav Dušek and his team have surpassed the second highest canyon in the world. He is currently preparing for the highest waterfall in the world in Venezuela.

Miroslav Dušek is dedicated to canyonigu and raftignu. While rafting is a well-known and popular sport, less canyoning is spoken. Waterfalls are among the youngest extreme sports. Gradually, he puts himself in the foreground.

And thanks to the success of Mira Dušek and her team. The first Tugela waterfall in the world, located in the Republic of South Africa, was the first in the world

This is not the only primacy acquired by the adrenaline lover . He discovered a river that was not on the map. (19659005) Miro Dušek “/>

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When we sit down with Mirom, it is obvious that he has a great sense of humor. He pulls you out of me even if we do not know. He explains that he does it even with falling water. Laughter and positive thinking are important for him to survive in the desert.

He experienced in his travels a feeling that he calls the very foundation of his being. The danger that he is in danger of canyoning. As she adds, she has no sense in thinking.

"You do not mind thinking about it, because it takes you away, so you think of a greaser or you're having fun."

Professional canyon vodka is used to the natural environment in which he lives adventures.

It all started on the Golden Sands

"Watermakers become mountaineers and mountaineers", Miro describes his beginnings

He was born with an adventurous character. He grew up on the Golden Sands, where he was close to the water. He admits to having made many breakthroughs in his childhood with his friends.

In high school, he met a teacher who is dedicated to canyoning. He had just brought for the first time a seasoned leader of rafting and canyoning in the river. Gradually, his hobby engulfed, then evolved into climbing. Since then, his life has always been linked to the mountain, and that is still the case today. Due to its adventurous nature, Miro Dušek recorded his history


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On the road that brought primacy to the Slovaks

The idea of conquer the majestic Tugela Falls Czech geodesists question the rankings of the world's largest waterfalls

Tugel is named the highest waterfall and thus passes to second place in the Angel Valley Salto in Venezuela, which held until the end of the year. then his primacy. "When you look at Salto Angel, who falls from the mountain and Tugel, he breaks into cascades."

We do not know where his heel is. Salto Angel is normally 880 meters, but the height can be increased. Tugela can not keep this level permanently. "

A group of eight climbers and three members of the support team decided to prove their claim.They resigned to South Africa to launch a hidden canyon in the Dragon Mountains


                 Tugela Waterfall

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The group leader describes how more than 1,000 meters of rope were transported. It is not possible to predict how much it will be destroyed during the descent. The required equipment also lacked anchors and exercises.

There was a waterfall of 948 meters waiting for them, as they struggled with the problem from the first moment. The weather forecast did not work in their favor. There was a strong storm near him and it was impossible to fight it.

Instead, however, they were lucky enough to see the waterfall from below. They saw it in all "colors". They watched the glare, the wind and finally the frozen waterfall. The temperature was up to about ten degrees Celsius.

The adventurer describes how the storms returned to the place and began to descend. With heavy things, they climbed up to 3000 meters and put them at the edge of the waterfall. They threw the first lengths of the rope and came back to the edge. The conditions of the cascade were tested with a dron.

On the second day, a group of eight frozen climbers fell into the waterfall. They started drilling and pulling other ropes. Each of them has done their part to make sure that the mischief that is approaching is as safe as possible.

  Tugela Canyon

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The waterfall has three major waterfalls. The Grand Duchess describes how big she is and how difficult it is to look at the kilometer.

"During the descent, one of the mountaineers was injured and we had to slow down.We did not want too much bivouac in this hollow and this waterfall, so we did it down and and even though we were bivak, we did not do it, and we went without stopping for twenty-six hours when we got out of here.We were happy to have been allowed by nature to give it. "

The group is about to join the waterfall Salto Angel

The river that will change your life

Miro has made a lot of success and dreams come true. Thirty years ago, one of the most difficult canyons in the world "Iron Hole" in Reunion. On his travels, he collaborated with documentary filmmakers such as Pavol Barabas

"When you suffer from adventurous life and you enter a group of adventurers, it's only a matter of time. question of time when you will make a trip that will affect your life.In his case it was the Omo River in Ethiopia.As he says, he made the first test of courage here.His way of life was caught by his heart

  Capture of the canyon

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During the flooding of the Omo River, they discovered a river that throws itself in. Nobody # 39, never knew its existence, it was not mapped and the satellite images revealed that no one had come before.

The hearts of the adventurers scolded and decided to retreat. The Ethiopian airline promised them a ship that did not arrive.

But Miro Dušek and the group The pounds that are part of every expedition have plunged into the jungle.

Villagers consider themselves rescuers

"They accepted us with each other and I played them on the guitar, and they danced, I will never forget the sound of those drums.

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Homeless natives [19659012] Today, however, the river that affected the life of the adventurer does not exist. There is a dam in there.

Miro outlines how businesses have destroyed the lives of many Aboriginal peoples. They are opposed to that, but they fail. The government works closely with the rich oligarchs and the natives are forced to do underground work. Only a few African states can get help

"The natives have told us to fight, they are only fighting with the government, they are fighting for the territory, they are fighting for the territory, the women, the cows.But this situation forces them to connect and fight for their life.The only thing they know, it's the pride when they fight. "

These are the documents that draw attention to the reasons why it is important to protect African beauties

Miro works as a professional leader in canyoning. It is for all those who want to go rafting or canyoning. He likes Slovaks on the road. They think that they are brave and are not afraid of new things. They like to joke with them and enjoy it.

When asked if I could do it, she answered diplomatically. "It's always on an individual basis, but fear is natural," he says.

During the journey, he knew some adventurers who laughed and did not want to finish the trip. She refuses to divulge a secret recipe to get rid of fear. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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