The SNS wants to help tourism, suggests a reduction of VAT on accommodation


BRATISLAVA, July 28 ( – The Slovak National Party (SNS) wants to contribute to the development of tourism in Slovakia by reducing VAT on accommodation services on January 1, 2019.

As stated in the Nationals press release, SITA was provided by the director of the SNS president's office, Andreja Danka Zuzana Škopcová, a proposal for system for the development of regions in favor of the market economy. " Three per cent of the GDP in the form of tourism in our state is very low.The cars will not be produced indefinitely, so we offer a 10% discount of VAT for accommodation as the l 39; one of the first steps ", quotes Andrew Danko, president of the SNS

Supporting the development of micro-regions

Nowadays, it belongs to a complete minority of the states of the European Union that n & rsquo; Not use this option at all Almost all EU countries have and benefit from similar tools for promoting domestic tourism

" This will encourage development in micro-regions , employment will increase, systemic and targeted support to domestic tourism and hospitality will also be to increase the benefit for local authorities ", argues the head of the CIS, Slovakia posing as a country where it is worth

The president of the national ministers adds that " among the important economic benefits that the IEC has already managed to encompass are canceled fiscal licenses, the accelerated depreciation of investment in the health care sector. for six years, and higher lump sum expenditures .

The IEC also prepares an analysis, " as in the near future to reduce the income tax to 15% ". Andrej Danko thinks he will convince the coalition partners that " tax reduction is the only way for the economy of Slovakia "

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