The social network develops Internet satellites!


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The largest social network works on its own satellites to publicize Facebook all over the world to provide a digital highway connection.The project is named Athena and is fundamentally a replacement for canceled Internet drones.

Development first revealed the documents that published the site Wired and later Aquila reoriented his attention to the incomparably more effective solution that the spacecraft SpaceX will use in the near future. It is more known that, like the Facebook network, he built his own constellation Internet satellites to provide high speed connection without the only barrier . ] The yardstick (@verge) 21 Jul, 2018

Although we can not say anything about specific projects, we believe that satellite technology is a very important factor for the emergence of the next generation of broadband infrastructure as it allows high-speed connectivity to remote areas where the Internet connection is slow or non-existent. , " said a social networking spokesperson for Wired .

But when they want to start a sharp operation, they SpaceX has already started with its ambitious satellite system Starlink to launch a test of This is a pair of newly created Internet satellites that were launched in the first half of this year by a Falcon 9 Falcon 9 on a Low circulating Earth track to begin their operation

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