The South Korean President remains behind bars, adding him for another eight years


Pak Kun-hje is currently serving a 24-year sentence

20. July 2018 at 9:57 SITA

SOUL. Former South Korean President Pak Kun-hje has been sentenced by law for another eight years as an obstruction of law and fundraising.

The former South Korean president was sentenced for abuse

he is currently serving a 24-year prison sentence as part of the corruption scandal that led to his fall in the country. last year

The Seoul court found him guilty of illegally acquiring three billion South Korean won (about 2.3 million euros)

The court l & # 39; He also charged with a two-year sentence for negotiating the violation of the electoral law, which he did by interfering with the appointment of a member of his party before the parliamentary elections. of 2016. Kun-hje did not attend the hearing on Friday [19659009] The article continues under video advertising

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