The SR wants to extend the wide-gauge track in Bratislava


Slovak Prime Minister informs Chinese Prime Minister that Slovakia plays a strategic role in oil and gas transport from East to West

Sofia, July 6 (TASR) – Slovakia has the ambition to play a strategic role transport. Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic Peter Pellegrini (Smer-SD) met after a bilateral meeting with Chinese Prime Minister Li Khechiang before the summit of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) 16 and China in Sofia, Bulgaria.

The Slovak Prime Minister has informed the Chinese Prime Minister that Slovakia plays a strategic role in the field of oil and gas transportation from east to west. At the same time, he expressed the ambition of the Slovak Republic to play such a strategic role in the future. "We therefore specifically mentioned the possibility of extending the wide gauge from the eastern part of Slovakia to Bratislava directly to the Danube, which would considerably reduce the need to translate containers coming from the East of the World " The project is preparing four railways – the Slovak, Austrian, Ukrainian and Russian – and expects the route to be Austrian territory, with two major terminals forming part of it. One in the territory of Slovakia and one in the territory of Austria. "But the two companies jointly owned by a company in which the Slovak Republic holds the share, so that we would have owned a stake in the Austrian terminal, Austria could own part of the terminal on the Slovak side" 19659003] At the meeting, they also talked about China's interest in participating financially in this project "This project has up to now a value of between 7 and 8 billion "euros, which is, of course, a considerable sum, which is also interesting for Chinese banks and Chinese investors", Pellegrini.

TASR rapporteur Alžbeta Halmová

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