The trade war between the United States and China still does not appear on the New York Stock Exchange


The New York Stock Exchange has not seen any conflict between the United States and China so far. Although they see the danger, the index remains in addition.

The ongoing trade war between the United States and China is not yet on the New York Stock Exchange. Its leading Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) rose Friday (July 6th) by 0.41% to 24,456.48 points. During the day, however, it increased to 24,520 points. Despite all the bad news that arrived almost daily, the index at week 27 remained at 0.8% on Friday (June 29)

New employees improved

other clues still improved additions like DJIA. The S & P 500's strengthened Friday by 0.85% to 2759.82 points. The selection index of the Nasdaq 100 technology even increased by 1.50% to 7207.33 points. Its strong rise was attracted by the shares of the biotechnology sector.

The evolution of the New York Stock Exchange boosted job growth in June. Its growth has been more pronounced than expected by analysts, with wage growth below expectations

"This slows down inflationary pressures and does not force a central bank to raise its policy interest rate. DPA hired an anonymous market analyst. Conflict sees the danger

The customs dispute between the United States and China has increased customs duties on the goods of the other party, which has been widely discussed by stock investors over the past few days . John Woods said the latest economic data indicates that economic momentum is even faster

Biogen's biotechnology stocks have increased by almost 20% since the release of the report that it appears to have a drug on the market. Alzheimer's disease The results obtained when it is administered to patients in the first stage of the disease, are encouraging. Americans develop a product with Japanese partner Eisai.

Business news on the economy's second-quarter earnings were still modest. From the DJIA index, Caterpillar shares, the Caterpillar group, fell 0.3%.

The Burzais also considered the speculation that JPMorgan is preparing a capital injection into Deutsche Bank.

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