The transfer of Ronaldov could soon be a reality: this club wishes him 30 million euros per year


<img src = "" width = "298" alt = "Cristiano Ronaldo" Cristiano Ronaldo " (19459003) Cristiano Ronaldo

TURIN – The Portuguese football striker Cristiano Ronaldo could change the jersey in the summer.The Real Madrid and Juventus of Turin

The Spanish daily Marco even declared that the champion of Europe's last two years was looking for a new home in northern Italy. "The speculation on Ronald's move was at the turn of the week." Reporter Josep Pederol, a close friend of Real Madrid's president, Florentine

In a direct statement, Cristiano could have moved to Juventus for an amount of 100 million euros, while he would improve his salary since he would earn 30 million euros. euros per year

The Italian media are more cautious in the case of the transfer Ronald, 33, at Serie A, and they do not see it as a finite thing. and the Tuttosport newspaper in Turin has a number of major clubs interested in a Portuguese footballer. In addition to Juventus, Manchester United and French Paris also came into play. Germain

According to the newspaper O Jogo has already agreed with Juventus. The Italian champion would have paid Real Madrid a refund clause of 100 million euros. In addition, the BBC website reported Wednesday that the Spanish club is considering an offer of 88 million pounds (about 100 million euros)

Cristiano Ronaldo Real Madrid Juventus

Full results and current ranking of Serie A [19659009] Source:

SITA / AP Photo / Francisco Seco

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