The transit of gas to Ukraine via the Vojany-Uzhgorod gas pipeline has significantly decreased


BRATISLAVA, July 5 ( – The Slovak-Ukraine gas pipeline uses nearly half of our eastern neighbor. Ukraine now takes about 19 million cubic meters of gas via the Vojany-Uzhgorod gas pipeline. According to information published by the Slovak gas transport company Eustream, most of the gas was taken away by Ukrainians from Slovakia in May

. Cubic meters. Ukraine received the smallest gas from Slovakia in early April, when less than two million cubic meters were transported daily

Less gas transported this year

The gas transport from Slovakia to the 39, Ukraine was lower than in the first half last year. The military pipeline was operated at maximum during the first six months of last year when 41 million cubic meters of gas were transported from Slovakia to Ukraine per day

The Slovak gas pipeline was registered on Saturday, October 29, 2016. More than 44 million cubic meters of gas were transported to Budincia

Most of the gas was transported by Eustream via the main Bratstvo gas pipeline that connects Russia via Ukraine to Slovakia and then to Western Europe. During the first days of July, the gas pipeline through this pipeline was 148 million cubic meters per day. The bulk of the gas was transported by the pipeline in April, when 180 million cubic meters of gas were imported daily into Slovakia

Gas to neighboring countries

Slovakia-Gas pipeline imported from 5 to 7 million meters cubes gas every day. During the first days of July, it was between 7 and 8 million

. From Slovakia to Austria, Baumgarten was exported from about 110 million to 140 million cubic meters in June. At the beginning of July, there were between 115 and 127 million cubic meters of natural gas a day.

<img width = "81" height = "54" src = "data: image / gif; base64, R0lGODdhAQABAPAAAP /// wAAACwAAAAAAQABAEACAkQBADs =" data-lazy-type = "image-responsive" data-lazy-src = "×54.jpg" class = "lazy lazy-hidden lazy-fancy-hidden attachment-featured_tiny size-featured_tiny wp -post-image "alt =" On the contrary, from the Czech Republic, through Lanžhot, we imported from 5 to 30 million cubic meters of gas per day in June

At the beginning of July, from 8 to 15 million cubic meters per day came from Slovakia to Slovakia

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