The Turkish President has appointed a new cabinet of 17 members


Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Monday appointed anchors to Ankara, before taking an oath for a new term.

The country officially passes from parliament to the presidential system, where Erdogan will be not only the head of state but also the government. Erdogan will have enormous powers, and critics gain too much power.

Mevlüt Cavusoglu will remain Foreign Minister of Turkey and Süleyman Soylu Minister of the Interior. The reorganized cabinet will have fewer ministers – 16. Erdogan is Berat Albayrak, who was formerly Minister of Energy and who currently heads the Ministry of Finance. In the Turkish economy, there are signs of instability – high inflation, weakening of the currency or budget deficits of the state

. Besides 16 ministers, the cabinet of a vice president, Fuata Oktaya. He was the Prime Minister's advisor, whose office has already been abolished, said ODA.

Two women were appointed to the cabinet. The Minister of Labor, Social Affairs and Family becomes Zehra Zümrüt Selčuková. She was an Ankara Deputy to the Association of Women and Democracy (KADEM), linked to the daughter of Erdogan Sümeyye.

The president will no longer have only a representative role

It is the end of the week that the president has a predominantly representative role

"Today, I will not be able to do anything. one of the most important democratic transformations of our country "

On the basis of the new system, the president establishes a government, appoints ministers, vice-presidents and senior officials, and prepares the government for the prime minister, elected by elected members of parliament, This controversial process began with a recent referendum, when voters voted by a majority for the presidential system of government, and early elections last year reinforced the power of the president. Erdogan, winning 52.6% of the vote.

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