The Union approved a nuclear tax cut for demanding electricity consumers


The amount of the reduction will vary according to the energy consumption of the companies.

6. July 2018 at 15:08 TASR

BRUSSELS. The European Commission has come to the conclusion that Slovakia's plan to reduce the nuclear tax for some consumers requiring electricity consumption is in line with EU rules on the use of electricity. 39, State


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Relief for some users

In 2006, Slovakia created the National Nuclear Fund to finance the costs of dismantling obsolete nuclear power plants. The National Nuclear Fund is financed by taxes paid by the end-users of electricity

Slovakia intends to provide certain industrially demanding industrial users who are affected by international trade from 2019 onwards. , such as companies engaged in the refining of petroleum products, basic iron, steel, ferroalloys and aluminum, reductions on this basic payment

The amount of the reduction will vary according to the high intensity of the power of the companies concerned. These reductions will be of benefit to them as they will reduce their financial burden compared to other enterprises that can not use them

Economic Activities

Slovakia has submitted this measure to the EC in accordance with the EC rules. EU in state aid. It assessed the measure based on the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) authorizing Member States to support the development of certain economic activities

. The Commission concludes that the reductions are limited to companies operating in sectors requiring electricity consumption.

According to the EU Directive on Enforcement, it is particularly important that these measures provide a sustainable basis for financing the safe and timely dismantling of obsolete nuclear power plants in Slovakia without compromising the competitiveness of enterprises. affected by international trade. shop.

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