The United States does not recognize Crimea, sanctions remain


The United States, on the issue of the annexation of Crimea, was initially avoided. The United States does not recognize the annexation of Crimea to Russia in 2014. The White House spokeswoman, Sarah Sanders, told reporters that US President Donald Trump had obtained a diplomatic concession.

The Politico Information Server writes in his report

"We do not recognize Russia's attempt to annex Crimea," Sanders said. "We have agreed that we do not agree with Russia on this issue and our sanctions against Russia in Crimea will remain in force until the Korean peninsula comes back," said the spokesman. Monday.

Sanders seduced journalists before preparations for the July summit of US and Russian leaders. July 16 in Helsinki. On the issue of the possibility of recognizing the annexation of Crimea, Trump asked reporters during the flight during the presidential specialty that he had made a descent into his golf course in the state of New York. Jersey. "We'll see," replied the White House chief.

Also on Sunday, CBS Trump National Security Advisor John Bolton responded, "We'll see what happens when the two meet."

In June, the US president called on Russia to renew Russia's membership in the group of the world's most economically advanced countries, the G7, whose Moscow was expelled in 2014 just after the war. annexation of Ukrainian territory.

Trump does not rule out the possibility of recognizing the annexation of Crimea to Russia during his campaign before the 2016 presidential election. However, since entering the White House, he has been following the sanctions against Russia who, with his predecessor Barack Obama, has chosen the European Union.

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