The United States Pentagon will provide the Ukrainian military with additional training and equipment in hundreds of millions of dollars


WASHINGTON, July 21 ( – The US Department of Defense will provide the US military with $ 200 million ($ 171 million) in additional training, equipment and advice.

The funds are intended to support "Several Aspects of the Ukrainian Army" such as command and control, communications security, and health care.

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The new aid comes at a time when the Ukrainian government is trying to ensure that its armed forces can work better with the armies of the North Atlantic Alliance member states ( NATO).

He also discusses US-Russia relations after the summit of the presidents of the two countries in Helsinki, Finland. The White House informed Friday that the administration of US President Donald Trump "does not consider the support" Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin's call to hold a referendum in eastern Ukraine

The United States United and Russia stand on opposite sides that began in 2014 with the overthrow of pro-Russian President Viktor Yanukovych and the subsequent annexation of Crimea to Russia.

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