The US-Canada trade dispute will affect P & G's products


Canadian authorities rejected the company's exemption request.

Procter & Gamble (P & G), a manufacturer of American consumer products, said most of its products sold in Canada would be lower than import tariffs. "Most of our products sold in the Canadian market are imported from the United States," Reuters spokesman P & G Damon Jones told Reuters. The rates will affect shampoos for body and hair, air fresheners, washing powders, fabric softeners and other products of the world's second largest producer of consumer goods. Jones added that the company had attempted to exempt its products from import duties, but that the Canadian authorities rejected them.

Since July 1, Canada has started to apply import duties. import of 16.6 billion US dollars billion). Customs duties of 10% to 25% are a retaliatory measure for the imposition of US import duties on Canadian steel and aluminum. In addition to steel and aluminum products, many consumer products such as coffee, ketchup, yogurt, whiskey and lawnmowers will be affected.

P & G representatives stated that%. Given the total volume of sales in 2017, which reached 65.1 billion US dollars (55.84 billion US dollars), that represents about 2 billion dollars

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