The US court ruled on a spy suspect for Russia


The court expressed its fear of leaving the United States after his release

19. July 2018 at 6:39 AM TASR

WASHINGTON. The US court ordered Wednesday the prosecution of a prosecution against a Russian citizen, Marie Butin, accused in the United States of conspiracy to lead an agent of the Russian Federation

Sky News reported

a decision of the Washington District Court.

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The court justified its decision by saying that in its case, there is a risk that it will leave the territory after being released from the United States [19659002] Booty arrested in the United States on Sunday and accused of "plotting to direct an agent of the Russian Federation in the United States".

Russia requests evidence of interference in the US elections [19659011] It also accused of developing relations with American natural persons and the infiltration of org [19659002] One of the organizations that Booty allegedly attempted to infiltrate is also a politically influential National Association of Army Owners (NRA).

The US Department of Justice said that from 2015, early in 2017, Booty served as the instructions of a senior representative in the Russian government who is subject to sanctions

In the United States, she entered and resided there with student visas

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