THE VIEW OF THE DEMISIA LAYER: Unjustifiable – Comments – Comments


After Andrej Danko de facto ordered the Prime Minister to act beyond the declaration of the National Council, which does not prohibit the sending of a representative in Slovakia to Marrakech, and as Peter Pellegrini reaffirmed that Miroslav Lajcak had a lower price than the president of his SNS government, Lajčák made the last step he had left.

One of the last drops for Lajcak was also incomprehensible
and an incompetent mission given by Robert Fico to the government.
Make sure that Slovakia stands out totally from Marrakech, but at the same time
to stay lajčák at the helm of diplomacy, it was still impossible
theoretically, and Fico is in politics long enough to know it.

Mindful planned direction on the deck of a man in front of a couple
weeks as a flagship of his European and strong
Slovak anchor in the Euro-Atlantic area.

The only possible closure therefore remains the declaration that the Directorate throws at
full of consciousness on the deck of a man a few weeks ago
he was the flag bearer of his European and strong Slovak
moorings in the Euro-Atlantic area.

The party Miroslav Lajcak twice appointed as minister,
supported his candidacy for the post of Secretary General of the United Nations and has long
months to convince him to represent the President of the Slovak Republic
during all this time proudly launched on the shield of his person and his work. reward
to him by allowing him to take a look at any political
the poet, publicly scorned his work in diplomacy and
possibly in his person to question the foundations of our foreign policy.
Nobody is irreplaceable, but it is unjustifiable.

The fact that Pellegrini is preparing for the first round of Lajcak's resignation
do not accept it and convince it again, it does not change anything.
Management had a duty not to let things go until the end
the human dignity and integrity of his long-standing minister have already been played.
Nothing more, nothing less.

Who really heads an executive of this state? Who formulates his strategic
objectives and basic attitudes? These are questions that do not take long.
The decomposition that Danko and his people are spreading is already growing
the limit of an unfortunate coalition, but that still works so well. right here
it is not at all a Lajcak or an international document. There she is
start going for more. Lajcak's resignation is only another

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