The volcano is awake for the second time


The Vanuatu Pacific Island State authorities evacuate – for the second time in a year – the inhabitants of the entire island of Ambae, where the Manaro Voui volcano is located. is awake again.

Vulcan began pouring ash over the days and, according to local authorities, it threatens the lives of the local population. Thousands of people therefore ordered this relatively small island to leave immediately The awakening of the Manaro Voui volcano took place last summer to evacuate the entire island of Ambae. Friday's evacuation was designated by Vanuatu's Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ralph Regenvan, as mandatory. The inhabitants of Ambae are now moving to the neighboring islands.

Local authorities said last week that the volcano was in a "weak eruption" . The volcano throws ashes and burning stones, and this activity has intensified during the last week. Last summer, more than 11,000 inhabitants of the island of Ambae had to temporarily leave their homes. Another similar evacuation arrived at the local authorities in May, but was not mandatory at the time

Vanuatu with its 280,000 inhabitants spread over 65 inhabited islands. The landscape is one of the most damaging natural disasters in the world It is in what we call. Ring of fire – in an area of ​​frequent occurrence of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. (1969005)! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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