The Wall Street stock market fell sharply, the Dow Jones lost 2.83%


Wall Street fell sharply Thursday. The reason is that Apple has exacerbated the expectations in terms of sales and weak data from the US industry.

Apple has justified its weaker prospects by curbing China's expansion and raising fears that the ongoing war between Washington and Beijing will slow down the global economy.

Market moods further exacerbated ISM management in the downward trend in industrial activity observed in December, which shattered expectations.

The key Dow Jones Industrial Average index lost 660.02 points on Thursday, or 2.83%, closing at 22,686.22 points. The broad S & P 500 fell by 62.14 points or 2.48% to 2447.89 points and the Nasdaq Composite Technology Index by 202.43 points or 3.04% to 6463.50 points.

Apple's shares fell by almost 10% and recorded the worst trading day since 2013.

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