The water of Mars is apparently leaking through a huge hole in the atmosphere


This is the fourth planet in our solar system is still a great mystery. It is not so long ago, scientists have discovered water on the surface of Mars. This was a big turning point in the investigation, which, however, raised more questions than answers. The water is pretty strange on Mars. Is quite salty, it is better to poles in the form of ice or under the cover of ice. In other parts of the world, the circulation of water is quite wild. According to the latest analysis of Mars water escapes every two years by a huge hole in the atmosphere, says more study published in April in the journal Geophysical Research Letters.

Research over the last few years we have offered what such an image where and how much water on Mars is. We know that the planet has long been in large numbers in the form of rivers, lakes and seas. We also know that today is mainly at the poles, in the form of extremely salty ice or subsoil zásobík no liquid water. But what happens to water in other parts of the red planet?

To circulate water on Mars has put the recent Russian-German team of scientists led by Dmitry Shaposhnikova of the Moscow Physical-Technical Institute. For some time we have known that in the lower layers of the Martian atmosphere, water vapor migrates to the poles. However, while the water circulates on Mars, it remains a mystery. And it is on this issue that he has been trying to answer the international team in his analysis.

Photo: the atmosphere of Mars (NASA [Public domain]via Wikimedia Commons)

Huge hole in the atmosphere

An international team of scientists comes after its analysis with some interesting conclusions and theory. The researchers found that the average layer of the Mars atmosphere is so cold that she could not keep the water vapor and basically in the ruins water cycle in the Atmosphere we know about the Earth, for example. On the basis of computer simulations then they discovered that the water of Mars seems to run every two years through a huge hole in the atmosphere.

The results of the research are described in the LiveScience portal. The scientists in the study reflect the fact that although in the northern hemisphere and the southern summers of the Earth are more or less similar to Mars is quite a bit different. To tilt the axis of Mars is the summer in the northern hemisphere of Mars much hotter than the south. The analysis also showed that in the middle layer of the atmosphere of Mars at the outer opening, a hole of 60 to 90 km, through which the water vapor penetrates in the upper atmosphere. Circulation of the atmosphere additional portion of water "stained" in the polar regions, part of the race in the open space. According to scientists, this is done on average every two years. This is due to lack of sun.

Photo: action of Mars shaped by the activity of water (Tobby695 [CC BY-SA 4.0]via Wikimedia Commons)

This is the result of frequent and massive sandstorms, which are typical of the weather on Mars. Sandstorms prevent sunlight from penetrating the planet's surface and cooling the entire Mars planet de facto. The researchers also found that water and ice particles are deposited in sand and dust particles and are found only on the Mars poles. Scientists believe that this research could help them better understand how a once arid red planet was once dry in Mars.

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