The well-known brand has destroyed goods for millions of euros. She did not want to cheat, so the supplies burned


"Green" behavior in millions. That would be called the barbaric act of the Burberry Sewing House

For a luxury garment does not give up its price standard, it moves unsold garments, accessories and perfumes worth 32 million euros. He needed to empty the warehouses for new collections. Likewise, other brands behave. The British manufacturer did not do it for the first time.

  Gro is a beige color. Burberry has its typical products, which they absolutely do not want to neglect

Gro is a beige color. Burberry has its typical products, which they certainly do not want to deduce

Photo: Instagram

"Burning was done ecologically, and created energy was used", responded the direction of the BBC. At the same time, they want to prevent their products from being falsified, stolen or unauthorized. Burberry has struggled with the imitation of his clothes for the long run. "Brands also do this to prevent the market from being flooded with discounted merchandise – they do not want Burberry products to be in the hands of anyone who will give them a discount and reduce the value of the brand." explains to Maria Malone

the mark of activists against

who enriched the world with a typically British style, shows higher profits every year. He is known with veiled scarves, beige coats and handbags. Just last year 's goods had to be liquidated because of the sale of a cosmetics license. But that's a strong word – it had to be liquidated. Other resellers, experts in economics and environmental advocates have proposed cutting prices and selling surplus assets. Leadership and shareholders to reduce prices radically rejected. Their philosophy seems to be paying off – last year they posted a profit of five percent over the previous year. In figures, this means a net profit of 463.4 million euros

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