The WiFi city is the most used in the center


The service has been operating since 2016, the most difficult places being Hlavná and Hviezdoslavovo námestie and SNP square

24. July 2018 at 17:11 SITA

BRATISLAVA. The most profitable sites of the Wi-Fi network of the capital Bratislava are Hlavné námestie, Hviezdoslavovo námestie and Námestie SNP. The service has been operational since 2016, it was invented on the occasion of the Slovak Presidency of the Council of the European Union

The communication network called VisitBratislava and is free for users. Log in and accept the terms of use. According to Zuzana Onuferova, the service is not subject to any personal data collection

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"In the last two years, the Internet connection has used more than 170,000 users and and 80,000 devices will be connected each month.This is the result of the company that operates the service, "said Onufer.

Free wireless connections are used by Bratislava and visitors of Rázusovo nábrežie, Vajanského nábrežie, Fajnorovo nábrežie, Šafárikovo námestie, Rybní námestie, Františkánske námestie, Primaciálne námestie, Námestie Ľudovít Štúra and Freedom Square

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It is also possible to reach the streets of Jew, Staromestska, Kapucinska, Gondova and Rigele.The project works with the financial support of the Ministry of Transport [19659002"Atthesametimethereare1300devicesthatwillcarryanaverageof170GBofdataperday"saidthecity'sspokesperson

. dominated by Android devices

"The importance of this service is also documented by the interest of foreign visitors, whose share in all connections is 40% .That is why we have decided that in addition to Internet access, the service will also offer smart information about Bratislava based on the current location with a link to ", added Alžbeta Melicharová, president of the Tourist Office of Bratislava

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