The winners of the Bach competition have become musicians from the United States, Poland and Germany


Photo illustration.

Leipzig, July 22 (TASR) – The famous galacord of the laureates culminated Saturday night in Leipzig, Germany, for the International Competition of Johann Sebastian Bach

After 11 days, 105 young musicians – pianists, violinists and harpsichords – 34 countries measured the strength of the qualifying battles by interpreting Bach's work in front of 21 members of three international jurors.

Rachel Naomi Kudova (piano) of the United States, Maria Wloszczowska (violin) of Poland and Avinoam Šalev (harpsichord) won the main trophies of the competition, subsidized by 10,000 euros, in total of 228 talented artists of the world whole. of Israel

This year, the jury also awarded two prizes in each of the three categories as well as special prizes including the prize and the prize of the local Baroque Orchestra

The Bach Competition is held with a periodicity of two years since 1950. The event is organized Bach's archives, which mediated on Sunday German Radio (MDR) and Leipzig Music and Theater University Leipzig. (19659005) Source:, the press agency of the TASR press agency

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