The world-renowned astronaut revealed what he saw most striking in the universe


Scott Joseph Kelly is not only NASA's astronaut, but also an enthusiastic supporter of science and research and the record holder of the longest space flight. He was the first American to travel in space in 2015, and he returned to the homeland for more than 340 days.

This world-renowned astronaut has decided to answer the questions of A & E viewers by video. One of the questions was, what is the worst thing that Kelly saw during his stay at the International Space Station (ISS). On this issue, the astronaut is immediately reminded of a urine mixed with 3 liters of urine

"It 's the only thing I can do. sulfuric acid mixed with urine. " Scott's job at the ISS was to clean the ball without coming into direct contact with it. No wonder she was afraid of her effects

What does the astronaut think before catching up?

In the forum, the question arises of how the thoughts of the astronaut arise just before the launch of the shuttle. Kelly prepared this answer: "At first take off, you think you're going to do the most fantastic thing in the world."

Kelly also adds that he is not a collector, the house will bring some memory. "I myself think that I myself am a memorial of the journey in space, so I do not need anything to carry it here."

He often comes back from the universe

But between astronauts this is a common thing. In the universe, when you look at Earth, you will not feel greater empathy for the environment and the conditions in which humanity lives. Scott confirmed that a similar feeling on earth also fell, but thanks to him, he came back to Earth as a better man.

You can also watch all the video in English on YouTube. The video shows the most interesting thing that Scott had to deal with in the universe (0:57).

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