The writer John Irving receives the Dayton Literary Award for Peace – Book – Culture


The American writer John Irving (76) is the winner of the $ 10,000 Dayton Literary Prize (8500). They informed the organizers on Tuesday.

  John Irving on an archive document

John Irving on Archive

Author: SITA / AP, Seith Wening

A native of the US state of New Hampshire is the author of the amount
novels in which he wrote about complex social contexts and
of various social subjects

Irving works have been translated into a number of languages, including
Czech. In the original and in the translations, his works are dirty
novels like World by Garp or Mushroom Rules also available on

According to Sharon Rab, Founder and President of the Dayton Foundation
the literary prize of peace, Irving's work shows the tragic dimension of absenteeism
empathize with others and can help readers identify with people,
who differs from them

The laureate himself expressed his joy at the award, stating that this is true
if it increases the degree of attention for the subjects he is facing
in my work.

"I wrote in the hope that mistrust, hatred and violence
sexual minorities become a relic of the past. In this spirit I wrote
of protest – I wrote protest novels, "quoted the world's press

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