There are five times more drivers in the tire than in the Czech Republic


The dangers resulting from a tire that is too smooth are larger than many people think. According to the most recent research, a number of drivers in the Czech Republic have sunk into a car with illegal tires

The latest survey of Continental's Vision Zero campaign showed that Slovak drivers are much more likely than Czechs. As part of the vision to reduce road accidents to zero, the company has decided to examine the condition of more than 1,600 drivers in the cities of our two countries. The result was disappointing. Of the approximately 700 cars checked in Slovakia, up to ten showed that their sculpture was less than the legal threshold of 1.6 mm. Because of the statistical sample, it is a relatively high number. At present, there are about one million vehicles registered in Slovakia. The most used tires had pilots in Banská Bystrica, at least this winter touched Bratislava.

In the Czech Republic, these cars found only two. Although the depth of the summer tires is legally set at least 1.6 mm, this low tread is not recommended for summer safety.

Another parameter is a mixture of tires that can become clogged. When the tread of the winter tire is less than 3 mm, it can not be used on snow or ice. So de jure does not bother anything in the summer. Many drivers, in order to save "cushion" winter tires unusable in the hot seasons. Continental reports that the braking track of these tires is 10 to 20 meters longer than the summer tires. In addition, they are stronger and more dangerous when cornering. Drivers should therefore consider all the pros and cons with respect to the proper shoeing

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