There are too many airlines in Europe. In recent months, they have been six


Lufthansa believes the market has three powerful players.

27. Nov. 2018 at 14:46 TASR

BERLIN. There are still too many airlines in Europe, said Lufthansa Carsten Spohr, director of the German airline. It expects that further consolidation will leave up to three major airlines on the European market, with Lufthansa wishing to participate in this process.

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"There are too many players in the European market," said Spohr. In particular, he pointed out that six airlines had ceased operations in recent months.

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"It is clear that the consolidation of the aviation market will continue and Lufthansa wants to participate in this process," he said.

The result of the consolidation will probably be three major airlines or business groups plus one or two low cost companies.

Lufthansa has already benefited from the consolidation process. Recently, it has expanded its portfolio of Brussels Airlines and part of the Air Berlin airline, which has allowed it to strengthen its position in the low-cost market.

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