There is a social service center in Likavka, a person came to live


The man was poisoned by flaming fumes at the Likavka Social Services Center.

During a fire in the Likavka Social Services Center in Ružomberok District, a man died. According to Falck spokeswoman, Katarina Načinakova, the man after the arrival of the RLP was already outside the apartment and was relaunched by cops and firefighters [19659003]. "Subsequently, our RLP team took charge of the resuscitation.The man, unfortunately, despite their efforts failed to revive, the doctor had to discover death," Načiniak said.

According to Zuzana Farkasová of the Presidium of the Fire and Rescue Corps (HaZZ), a fire broke out in one of the chambers at half-past eleven. Ten firefighters intervene in the fire, which evacuates 17 people after their arrival.

"A person became burnt intoxicated and resuscitated.In the event, the Ruzomberok professionals and the Likavka volunteer firefighters are also on the spot, and the evacuation bus HaZZ from ZZ HaZZ to Zilina, which provides evacuees with temporary shelter, is on the way

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