There were 12 surveillance cameras in Svidník


In particular, they help the city police

15. July 2018 at 13:35 TASR

SVIDNÍK. The city of Svidník received 12,500 euros in the expansion of the surveillance system as part of a project that financially supported the Ministry of the Interior of the RS

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Where Cameras

The system has expanded to several areas.

They also watch two cemeteries where vandalism, a football stadium, a children's playground on the part of the amphitheater of Karpatha Street are monitored

The cameras will complete the original eight and with one of the city budget is installed in Svidnik 21 cameras

They also capture the car number

Digital cameras record an angle of 104 degrees and several cameras are at an angle of 87 degrees

They have a brightness of 50 meters, a resolution of 4 megapixels [196599010] The new cameras have a resolution for which it is not difficult to recognize the registration number

When to help cameras

In the past, the city had problems with bulk containers. The new system is able to capture this behavior

The police respond to the cameras with the permission of the police, who can if necessary sit down.

It is so that it solves the problems of the poor in the pedestrian zone, the young people returning from discotheques, and illegally place posters around the city

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