These Russian weapons are also impossible


The Russian Defense Ministry on Thursday released new videos of its best weapons, whose existence was revealed in March by Kremlin leader Vladimir Putin. New tests, demos, or the development process are captured in the images, RT reported.

A set of new weapons was revealed by Putin during his annual martial speech in parliament. Futuristic weapons, some of which are already in use, aim to give Russia a powerful deterrent against any aggression against the country said RT, publishing videos of the ministry and providing the latest information on the # 39; arsenal. These are the weapons:


Planes, the Kinzal, which was thrown overboard, ten times exceeds the speed of sound continues testing in the Southern Military Circuit. The Air Force, which received new missiles last December, carried out more than 350 missions with them and shot them several times. Raketu launches a MiG-31 fighter at high altitude and has an effective range of 2000 kilometers The kinzal can be equipped with conventional warheads and cores and is able to penetrate the air defense systems the more complicated.


Another hypersonic novelty, the Avangard rocket complex, is already in production. While the new weapon is still tested, the existing military infrastructure – probably underground – is improving to suit this facility. The new video shows Avangard attached to a ballistic missile inserted into the underground force. However, the actual operation of this system is not clear enough. The aircraft is promoted able to fly at a supersonic speed and withstand extremely high temperatures during the final approach of the target


The latest intercontinental Russian ballistic missile for Sarmat RS-28 Liquid Propellant is designed to be able to carry any type of existing head, and it can be controlled until it reaches its target. has virtually no range limit Its payload is capable of delivering anywhere on the planet.


Although Burevestnik – a nuclear-powered jet aircraft – has been successfully tested, its design still needs to be refined. A shot designed to have "unlimited range and unlimited maneuverability" undergoes additional ground tests and should be subjected to flight tests after improvement


The tests also undergo the project "brother" Burevestnik, the Poseidon unmanned submerged machine, which also has a miniature nuclear system and can carry conventional and nuclear warheads. Poseidon empties the crew of the submarine and the machine is heading towards its target at high speed, deep below the surface. allegedly impossible to locate It is to help the navy in the fight against the aircraft ships and destroy the coastal infrastructure.


Peresvet's combat system remains a mystery. Only a cannon on a truck can be seen on a video. The exact purpose of the complex is still secret It can be a scrambling system that can "blind" the optical electronic devices of hostile vehicles by means of a laser beam because several prototypes of such systems were developed by the former Soviet Union. Several anti-aircraft and anti-ring laser systems projects have also existed, but none of them has been realized. However, the designation of a "combat laser system" gives the impression of a futuristic device capable of pulling holes in the armor, RT added

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