NEW YORK. Jupiter was hidden for twelve months in front of the astronomers. Their movements have been mapped thanks to the curiosity of the astronomy team, and it has been shown that one month the planet is flowing along the orbit at which it hits the others.
The total number of months of Jupiter reached a record. Saturn with 61 satellites
On the new giant satellites of natural gas, American astronomers have discovered a mysterious ninth planet at the edge of the solar system. The telescopes focused on Jupiter for a moment and looked at a number of unexplored bodies
A year of confirmation
The team, led by Scott S. Sheppard of the Carnegie Institute of Physics , hit last year but did not need more than a year
"We need a few more observations to confirm that the body revolves around Jupiter," Gareth said. Williams of the International Astronomical Union, who used the team's data and calculated the orbit of the months, said in a press release.
Two satellites surround the larger planet in the direction of its rotation and come closer to it. A circle takes less than a year from Earth.
Nine others move after a so-called retrograde path, that is to say against the direction of rotation of the planet. Scientists predict that these moons occurred after the collision of larger objects with comets, asteroids or other bodies. Their orbits are farther away, it takes them about two years to reach Jupiter.
The orbits of the newly discovered moons of Jupiter. The blues are described two more months, the nine nine further, the green moon Valetudo. (19659013) The Risk of Collision
"Our next discovery is a finite puzzle whose orbit is not like the others.It is also possible that with a diameter less than one kilometer or so the smallest moon of Jupiter, "
Observation of the month of Valetudo in May 2018. Two shots show his movement in the sky. (Source: EurekAlert / Carnegie Institution for Science)
Scientists have called Valetudo the Roman goddess of health and hygiene.
However, its orbit intersects with the paths of the outer moon that turn in the opposite direction
There is therefore a high risk of collision, which could cause them to collapse
The New Moons are small objects, the largest of which is only three kilometers in diameter. They seem to have succeeded with telescopes in Chile, Hawaii and Arizona
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Tags crush Discovered Jupiter months threatening twelve